Press releases
EU Targeted Meteorological Observations from the Stratosphere (TMOS) project – A Perspective by Voltitude
Interview with Paul Stevens, CEO of Voltitude, conducted by Innovate UK KTN, the local UFO monitoring partner Voltitude, along with its consortium partner, Formtech Composites Limited, successfully applied for a Demonstration project called TMOS that was funded by...
5DARCH-AID team successfully achieved the creation of a three-dimensional Digital Twin of the historic settlement of Ano Syros, Greece
The research project “5D ARCHitectural AIr Documentation – 5D ARCH AID” in the framework of the HORIZON2020 European project UFO is implemented by a collaborative group of four (4) partners: Asociatia Monumentum, JGC, HERITAGE MANAGEMENT e-SOCIETY (HERMeS) and...
As a result of 2nd Open Call, 12 innovation collaborative projects are joining UFO Support Programme with € 1.5 million funding
We are happy to announce the results of the Second UFO Open call for innovation collaborative projects. UFO (Emerging indUstries new value chains boosted by small flying objects) aims to support European SMEs in the development of innovative products and...
13 innovation collaborative projects are entering the UFO Support Programme with € 1.5 million funding
We are happy to announce the results of the First UFO Open call for innovation collaborative projects. UFO (Emerging indUstries new value chains boosted by small flying objects) aims to support European SMEs in the development of innovative products and services...
Press release – UFO Project launch
UFO (Emerging indUstries new value chains boosted by small Flying Objects), is a INNOSUP-1 project funded underthe Horizon 2020 framework of the European Union, launched in May 2020. It aims to support European SMEs in the development of innovative products and...