Project coordinator

ICT CLUSTER has implemented number of projects supporting SMEs growth and internationalization, digital transformation and development of innovative products and services.

Founded in October 2012, Cluj IT has developed as an innovation based value chain network of Romanian IT companies and related organizations with the purpose of increasing the competitiveness and growth of IT services and products on international markets and of creating a strong sustainable public – private partnership in order to improve the life quality of the community we are part of. The cluster was born as a catalyst to increase competitiveness of the IT sector in Romania and to respond to the challenges which the organizations in this sector face.

To achieve our vision, we have developed a wide range of activities focusing on: enhancing and disseminating innovation of all forms in the private and public sector, shaping cutting-edge technology sectors and integrated value chains with a competitive advantage, stimulating links between industry, universities, research centers, public administration and citizens, boosting exports and competitiveness with a specialized extroversion program, creating and maintaining highly skilled jobs and reversing the brain drain, providing information, inspiration and training, particularly on entrepreneurship and high tech, investing in the human capital available to the country and fostering relations with the diaspora and creating integrated support structures for new aspiring entrepreneurs and dynamic businesses with incubator services and business acceleration.
Our main achievements include: the foundation of 3 hi-tech Clusters – mi-Cluster (Silver Label), si- Cluster (Gold label), gi-Cluster (Gold Label)- that encompass the most innovative enterprises, university labs and research institutes in their respective sectors, the systematic organization of targeted training and inspirational events, the design and implementation of pioneering entrepreneurship acceleration and incubation programmes, the organization of innovation contests such as hackathons, appathons and game jams, the establishment and operation of innovation hubs in Attica and Western Greece regions, the organization of business roadshows and trade fairs in Europe, America and Asia, etc.

Founded in 2007 by the French Public Authorities, FINANCE INNOVATION is the unique cluster for innovation in the French financial sector. It has stablished concrete actions to accelerate the creation and development of innovative projects devoted to economic, societal and environmental challenges in the service of growth and employment.
Our mission is to support, promote, develop, and boost financial innovation in the country. Concretely: (i) Promote and support the French Fintech ecosystem locally and internationally, while building bridges with the other Fintech hubs; (ii) Advocate for a democratic and inclusive financial services industry; (iii) Support SMEs of the territory in their search for capital and funding; (iv) Build and promote innovative projects in digital finance (v) Attract greater investment.

Marine South East engages with a broad range of SMEs, research institutions and other stakeholders across the Blue Economy Sector including marine energy, seafood/fish and aquaculture, ocean monitoring, port and maritime activities. Marine South East provides access to a large business community through its regular email newsletters, business events and collaborative projects.
Marine South East has a particular strength and interest in technologies that monitor offshore assets, offer improved knowledge and forecasting across the blue economy sector, and technologies that manage coastal systems, ocean systems and marine resources.

KTN is an established innovation network, covering all sectors of economic importance. KTN is a not-for-profit SME, currently employing over 190 staff. Working with large and small companies, government agencies and research organisations, with technology hubs and start-ups, public funding bodies, Venture Capitalists and private investors, KTN has built a unique network of around 40,000 organisations that helps enterprising people and companies reach the full potential of their innovative capabilities either within or across sectors and value chains.
For 15 years, KTN has helped thousands of businesses secure funding and/or find the best partners for advancing and deploying innovation, supporting them through their business cycle to see their investment into new products, processes or services turn into success.
KTN occupies a unique position at the interface between government, finance, business and research and provides an impartial agile agency for supporting business growth and acceleration. Focusing on business innovation as core activity, KTN has in-depth experience of the financial landscapes, business model development, investor readiness, routes to market and market opportunities, and the creation of value networks and collaboration.